
How can one thing mean so much and so little? Sticks and stones, actions speak louder, etc. Words can inspire and move us. A great book, a beautiful poem, the encouragement of a loved one. Words don’t only bring joy but they can devastate. If you’ve ever had to deliver bad news you know exactly what I mean. Telling someone their loved one died, saying it’s over in a relationship, or telling a child Santa Claus isn’t real. Once words are said they can never be taken back. There’s great power in that. But in order for those words to make a difference they must be perceived by the receiver. If the sender and receiver have no relationship then the odds are the reciever won’t be as emotionally involved in the communication. Words mean more when emotion is involved. Most of you reading this are tuning it out due to the scientific and emotionless delivery of this information. Point proven. 

Now that the message is clear, I fell in love with words. I became enamored with poetry. I obsessed over the power of the verbal exchange. But I ignored the actions. I believed what was said and not what was done. I took doing and making for granted. Words didn’t get me far but it was a long love affair. What we had was hot, passionate, and distracting. But a distraction was all it was. Words tried to ruin me. They became bitter with me and lashed out in spite. They escalated into something hurtful. Words can change your whole outlook on life. That molded me. I fell out of love with words. I became disenchanted with what was once lustful. Words are greedy and secretive. You want honesty? Verbs. In actions we trust. It’s a balancing act between communicating and doing. Do what you say you’re going to do. That’s called integrity. I’ll always love words but we aren’t romantically involved anymore. It’s always been about actions. That’s what I was meant for.