You don’t have to. 

I don’t understand why you put in so much effort. You go above and beyond. You bend until you break. And I could tell you this a million times but I’m not sure if you’ll ever listen. 

You don’t have to. 

You’re not alone. Not anymore. You buy me flowers. Take me out on dates. Apologize for not texting back right away. You cook me dinner. You spoil me rotten. As adorable as that is and as wanted as that makes me feel, 

You don’t have to. 

You hold me every night and you take away the pain. You build me up and you show me off. You make me laugh until I cry. You would do anything to make me smile. And I’ll say it again. 

You don’t have to. 

I love you without all the additional things. I love your flaws and your perfections, your sensitivities and your strengths, your insides and out. I love everything about you. And you know that; 

You don’t have to. 

But you do for me anyway. Because you care so much. Because you love me just as much as I love you. And this much is true; 

I don’t have to. But I’d do anything for you. 

Pretty Hurts. 

I spent most of my adolescents hearing “pain is beauty.” Not only was this message delivered verbally but also through the actions of my role models. I was surrounded by beautiful and glamorous women growing up. It rubbed off a little despite my mostly Tom boy ways. Pain IS beauty. We wax, wear some of the most uncomfortable clothing, pierce our ears, and tolerate those killer shoes until the end of the night. For what? To impress a mate? To show off to our friends? To feel better about ourselves? As women we are flooded with images of the ideal body, of other women who are seemingly flawless. We desire that same perfection. You see models on television, in magazines, Pinterest, and facebook to name a few. We think that’s what men want and what other women (our competition) will be envious of. If we only could see how flawed our views are. There’s a huge difference between self expression and trying too desperately to achieve a completely unrealistic ideal. You’ll never be happy with yourself if you chase what is impossible. Plastic surgery leads to pin pointing more “flaws” and continuing to reconstruct the body. It’s a never ending vicious cycle of perfecting the imperfect. Why? Why do we do this to ourselves? Is so much of our identity wrapped up in our appearance? This is flawed thinking and a corrupt society. We are so afraid of judgment and rejection we strive to be something we’re not. Be flawed. You’re lovely flaws and all. Skip wearing makeup for a day and feel the freedom from your outer image. Stop depending on your outfit and hair to define you. Let your personality and intelligence express your identity. Love yourself for exactly who and what you are. Fuck society, work on loving yourself every day. Someone loves you just the way your are, whether you’re having a bad hair day or not. Pain is beauty. Really? I don’t need to hurt myself to feel absolutely stunning.