The Practice of Nursing. 

I just scheduled my NCLEX-PN Exam and it’s 16 days away. I Have been working towards this step for seven years. I’ve looked up to those who wear scrubs most of my life, having been in and out of the hospital. I never knew that it would take this much hard work and dedication to achieve what they already had. But it makes me proud. Looking back and seeing how far I’ve come and how much knowledge I’ve gained. It amazes me. I never gave up or thought I couldn’t do it. I pushed and pushed and pushed to get to where I am today. A lot of sweat, tears, blood, early mornings, and late nights. A lot of hardship and set backs. I worried like everyone does. But now that I’m going to take a test that determines if I’m really what nursing is made of…. I’m freaking terrified. But I’m ready. I’m ready to put just as much effort into this one test as I have my entire nursing school career. So with that being said, let the studying commense. 

Make it Happen. 

Ever have those days you feel completely unmotivated and envy the people who are? That was me this morning. I could’ve slept all day. Then I do what I do when I have those mornings. I listen to music. Music is a huge motivator and encourager in my life. It completely affects my mood. Anything from songs about woman power to love songs. I somehow convince myself that the house isn’t going to clean itself and I need to make myself proud. Be a doer, a thinker, a creator. Do something for Christ’s sake woman! I get off my ass, get ready to face the day and make the most of my time. There isn’t ever a time I don’t feel accomplished once I’ve cleaned, run errands, or worked out. Put my makeup on, do my hair, organize, clean, and do those thousand squats cause your butt will get nowhere if you don’t. Learn something new, get the scarf done that you’ve been knitting for months, finish that book you’ve been half-ass reading. Do something to enrich your life. Do something to boost your mood. And when your man gets home you kiss him like there’s no tomorrow. Boost his mood too. Make it happen.