
You ever had the unfortunate opportunity to wait for potentially life shattering news? Time stands still and races past simultaneously. Waiting for that devastating phone call. Waiting for the bad news. You feel it coming and every moment is consuming and devouring your sense of wellbeing. They told me one week, one week last Monday. Tomorrow I may wake up to that phone call. Tomorrow my life might change. Tomorrow a new battle may arise. And here I am just waiting. 

Helen of Troy. 

Just call me Helen of Troy

Because I started a war. 
Your hearts the only casualty
Like that’s what it’s for. 
Battles raging around here
The gruesome ones inside me. 
You think you’re better off
You’re fooled if you think you’re free. 
Got you in my clutches
Got you in my sight. 
Got my hands on your trusses. 
Gotta end this tonight.
Gunna make you feel invincible 
When you’re just a hostage. 
Gunna make you love every minute
Of being pushed to the edge. 
I’m going to make you want me
Make you plead for it. 
You’ll bleed for it
I’ll force you to forfeit. 
Got you in my clutches
Got you in my sight. 
Got my hands on your trusses. 
Gotta end this tonight.
Got you always crying
Got you alright. 
Got my hands on your heart
Gotta end you tonight. 

Two Long Days.

Just two more days until I’m no longer married to the man who put me through hell. Time is slowing down. I will cry some of my happiest tears to go back to my maiden name. To be rid of my connections to him will be a blessing. He was a long lesson. I’m finally in love with the Man I belong. I finally feel like part of a family not a battle field. I never get disappointed anymore, I’m not constantly stressed,  not paranoid about getting cheated on or left. I found stability in a storm. I don’t ever get ignored or abandoned. I get more calls than texts now. I’m still in awe over everything I was missing out on. Ladies & gentlemen, life’s too short for shitty relationships. Find someone stable, someone who brings as much as you do to the table. Someone who loves just the way you do. Do not settle for lies, manipulations, or guilt trips. Don’t settle with someone who lessens your potential or makes you feel unworthy. You deserve love. You deserve a person who reflects you in the most stunning way. You deserve someone who stands up for what they believe and you just so happen to be who they believe in. You deserve someone who will stop you doing whatever it is you’re doing and take a moment to hold you or slow dance with you. You deserve someone who makes you laugh and never wants to see you cry. And I’m telling you it’s possible, they’re out there. Life has an uncanny way of bringing them to you when you least expect and when you need them most. You are better than those who tried to cheat you out of the life you wanted for yourself. Don’t let their opinions or what they did hold you back or make you feel like less of a man or woman. What they did or do says more about their character than yours. In this big fucking catastrophe, I left the anchor that was holding me back and gained an angel who lifts me with his wings. The differences between the two was a huge eye opener for someone who used to think all men were the same. He watched me suffer a blistering pain and drew me away from the fire that burned me. My saving grace. I would have been burned alive had he not taken a leap of faith with me. He saw something in me I did not even see in myself. I’m more myself now than I’ve been my whole life. I owe it all to him. One thing that has been a huge adjustment is being with a man who takes a very active role in his child’s life. My ex was not father of the year by any means. He still doesn’t hardly see his son or contribute in any way. My boyfriend loves and cherishes his daughter. She’s his “mini-me.” He pays his child support every month and helps her mother out any way possible. He faught for joint custody and got it. He actually cares and is such a family man. My ex is too caught up in the young and single life to pay much mind to his five year old son. It’s a harsh reality but I am glad my son has a positive male role model in his life. But to wrap it up, I cannot wait until Monday afternoon, I love my family and cherish their support. This has been the most rewarding struggle of my life.